Monday, December 3, 2007

Why I ride, the return

A couple of rides lately have made me wish that I had a location to share thoughts and experiences again. Since I was tired of trying to maintain a server in the basement, I am fired up the old blogger account and I am going to give it another go. Sometime I might move this to a wordpress hosted blog but this was the simplest and quickest option for now. I stopped blogging before because it seemed like I had nothing to write about except race reports, but I have come to realize that was just because I was always worried about offending someone over their beliefs. Now I realize that those same people don't actually care about my beliefs and live by the attitude of 'the whole world be damned if you do not agree with me', so I am back and with a much looser tongue. :)

Now for the reason to post... I love to ride my bike. Mostly because of how it makes me feel, but partially because I get to see and do things that the average person never would and has no understanding of why they are as wonderful as they are. Saturday was a perfect example. I wanted to get in a couple of hours on the bike, but Mother Nature was so keen on giving me sunny skies and clean roads. Sitting 'round the house thinking it would be a good day to brew and relax when it hit me. I need to lay the first tracks on sycamore! It was that simple. I was dressed and on the bike in minutes and headed over the ridge line to be 'that guy' again.

The trip north was wonderful. Cutting my own path in the pellets of ice with it bouncing off my arms and back. Considering I still don't own a mountain bike, it was perfect perfect cross practice. :) "Snowy runnups...Here I come." Driving the 39/25 through frozen grass and an inch of snow was keeping the HR in Z3, and I was by myself just thinking. How good can it get. About half way back south is when it went bad though. Not like "oh god I am going to die" bad. Just "5mph with a 39/25 bottom end" bad. :) The rain started and the snow top froze into a crust that was almost impossible to ride through. Thought it was something wrong with the bike until I dismounted and almost couldn't push the bike. In the end it was 2.5 hrs of hard riding that only covered around 16mphs, but man did it feel good.

Tried the trainer on Sunday. Screw that. I would rather freeze and suffer than do that.

I leave you with a couple of shots from the glory of Saturday...

Beard Good!!

No tracks yet??

Mmmm. Tracks.

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